FAQ for Engitech Concrete Pump Pipeline Primer Usage
How does Engitech Pumping Primer work?engitech2018-09-25T14:34:12+00:00
It makes water viscous and creates a sticky layer in the pump pipeline that enhance the concrete flowability.
Can it be used for horizontal line?engitech2018-09-25T14:50:45+00:00
Yes, we recommend the use of rubber ball prior to priming slurry (Engitech Pumping Primer) that will make full pipe line sticky.
When to prepare slurry of Engitech Pumping primer?engitech2018-09-25T14:34:38+00:00
You just have to prepare the slurry 5 to 10 minutes before concreting.
What is the difference among Engi Silk, Engi Lube, Engi Pump & Engi Prime?engitech2018-10-13T10:55:36+00:00
The main difference among Engi Silk, Engi Lube, Engi Pump; Engi Prime is only length of pipeline which is covered by each of them, Engi Silk covers 25 meter of Hose pipeline, Engi Lube covers 50 meter of Hose Pipe Line, Engi Pump covers 75 meter of Hose pipeline, Engi Prime covers 100 meter of Hose pipeline.